The Number of Left Wing Protests on Michael Moore's 'Resistance Calendar' is Crazy

The left may be bat guano crazy but they are certainly organized. Culture site FlavorWire reported on Michael Moore’s new “Resistance Calendar” that includes what looks like every single opportunity for angry leftists to protest, demonstrate, march, complain, whine, kick, scream, etc.


FlavorWire presents the calendar along with their own daily “resistance” feature in that annoying matter of fact way culture sites have which assumes that anyone interested in pop culture automatically holds the same far left loony world view.

Daily Engagement is a new, brief, daily feature on Flavorwire. It’s aimed at helping people feel somewhat less helpless and hopeless (or at least in control of their helplessness and hopelessness) in the midst of a political news cycle that’s been doling out daily affronts to human decency.

Every day, we’ll post one easy thing that people can do to continue to resist the current state of politics under the Trump administration, focusing on the creative ways (we are a culture website after all) that citizens are finding to resist.

(Citizens? That seems like a micro-aggression against the undocumented. FlavorWire better check their privilege.)

Today’s Daily Engagement is Michael Moore’s national Resistance Calendar.

Recently, we noted a New York-specific calendar of protests and political events, courtesy of TakeAction. That calendar has been a consistently helpful tool, providing the clearest overview of public displays of resistance in the city, and making for a far easier way to know what to show up for — and how to plan to show up — than expecting these events to appear on Facebook feeds. Now, Michael Moore has taken this idea a step further — he’s launching a similar, but nationwide, calendar at


Moore, launched the calendar on his Facebook page.

The calendar has about 20 protest events scheduled…for today. It goes on and on for days. It’s almost like there are people who have no other jobs but protesting.

Anyone can add events to the calendar. I’m sure they’re screened but I’m sure there is an opportunity here for some clever right wing trolls. This also can be used as a resource by bloggers looking for left wing gatherings to write about


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