More Blacks Resisting the Narrative: National Assoc. of Black Journalists Hosts Conversation With Trump

AP Photo/Ted Shaffrey, File

As I covered extensively on Saturday, the dam is breaking in terms of Blacks and their presumed lockstep support of the Democrat Party. This is particularly prescient among Black men, who have become quite vocal about no longer supporting the party and its aims, which are counter to their concerns and issues. Fox Digital interviewed attendees at a July 27 Grand Rapids, MI, Trump Rally, and they sounded off about what the Democrat Party gets wrong about them.




Something else is causing a stir among the Black intelligentsia. Some are highly upset that the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) plans to have a conversation with former President and GOP nominee Donald Trump at their annual Convention & Career Fair in Chicago. 

NABJ president Ken Lemon made it clear that this is nothing out of the norm—for decades, the NABJ has invited presidential candidates from both sides of the aisle to attend. Some have chosen to attend, while others have not. Vice President and selected Democrat nominee for president Kamala Harris was also invited. The NAJB said in their announcement that her confirmation is "pending." So, this conversation is not an endorsement of Trump or any other candidate, but an opportunity for a group of small outlet and large outlet journalists to dig into facts and information on issues that matter to Black Americans and present those to their readers and followers, as opposed to relying on the major newsfeeds like AP and Reuters.

While NABJ does not endorse political candidates as a journalism organization, we understand the serious work of our members, and welcome the opportunity for them to ask the tough questions that will provide the truthful answers Black Americans want and need to know. 


The NABJ convention opens on Wednesday, July 31, and they will host the Trump conversation at 12:00 p.m. Central Time.

Former U.S. President Donald J. Trump will participate in a conversation with journalists at the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) Annual Convention & Career Fair during its opening day in Chicago on Wednesday, July 31, at noon CST.

Trump will engage in a Q&A with political journalists before an audience of registered convention attendees that will concentrate on the most pressing issues facing the Black community. 

The event will be moderated by Rachel Scott, senior congressional correspondent for ABC News; Harris Faulkner, anchor of The Faulkner Focus and co-host of Outnumbered on FOX News; and Kadia Goba, politics reporter at Semafor.

The three Black female journalists moderating the discussion represent Left, Right, and independent or centrist journalism. So, where's the problem? Well, the fact that Fox News senior correspondent and Faulkner Focus host Harris Faulkner isn't considered a serious journalist by certain members of the NABJ. And even though the announcement clearly states there will be a Q&A for other journalists to submit their questions, the hue and cry of "Trump lies," "Trump is evil," ad infinitum has populated the comments and replies on the NABJ Headquarters X announcement. The event hasn't even happened yet, and the gatekeepers of Democrat orthodoxy are eliciting their displeasure. How dare the NABJ have a sit down with a convicted felon and insurrectionist? 


Bringing Trump's evil into a Black safe space? Clutch the pearls!

This Auntie is all types of confused over this move, not to mention appalled.

The last time I checked, that used to be what journalists did: amplify the news on presidential candidates so that every voter, no matter what their political leanings, is informed. "Pulitzer nominee" Carron J. Phillips really let it be known that whoever organized this lacks intellectual muster.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution Washington Correspondent Tia Mitchell was a co-organizer and clapped back at Phillips.

I helped make this call. And it’s in line with invitations NABJ has sent to every presidential candidate for decades. But continue to go off on your feed. I’ll continue to work to create opportunities for journalists to interview the potential next President.


As she should, because this is called responsible journalism. But some people refuse to be placated and are entrenched in their indoctrination.

I understand the concerns about Trump. Which is why we selected a group of badass journalists to ask him questions, creating a rare opportunity to dig into his vision for America and ask Qs. We cannot ignore someone who could be the next leader of the free world.

It is telling that after the announcement went out on Monday and the kerfuffle that followed, Mitchell has locked down her account.

Dr. Nikki Johnson called it as she saw it. The elites, Black or otherwise, are not happy about Black people being informed.

Most surprising, the editor-in-chief of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution had Mitchell's back. It should not be a point of controversy and debate that a leading presidential candidate is allowed a platform where journalists get to ask him questions and he answers them. It should be the norm. When did we lose sight of that? 


The event will not be open to the public but will be live-streamed on the National Association of Black Journalist’s YouTube channel and Facebook page. 

The other recent development comes from Black Twitter and a more vocal contingent of Black male conservatives who were appalled by the White Dudes for Kamala Harris call on Monday night. So, they decided to mount their own ZOOM call on Tuesday night titled: "Black People Against Kamala Harris." 

Allegedly Over 50,000 people joined the White Dudes For Kamala Zoom from all across the country. We are fighting this propaganda to show them what real support is. We encourage you to join the influential Black Women and Men in this call to prove that majority of America is against Kamala Harris.

Expected to join the call are Judge Joe Brown, actor and activist Isaiah Washington, founder of the X School for Boys King Randall, Veteran and activist Billy Ray Todd, FL District 24 candidate Lavern Spicer, Veteran and podcaster Rob Smith, and a number of other prominent and lesser-known Black conservative voices.

We are honored to have you join us in securing this election, they have the LIES but we have the NUMBERS. 


Only time will tell whether the outcry matches the number of actual voters and which candidate will benefit from this engagement. But know this: it is no longer business as usual for Blacks in the political space.


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