Kamala Harris Steps in It by Claiming Democracy Will End If Trump Wins

AP Photo/Matt Kelley

You can always count on Black Hillary to carefully insert her foot into her mouth. In the latest episode of “What the Hell Is Kamala Harris Talking About?” the vice president indicated that if former President Donald Trump were to defeat President Joe Biden in November, it would spell the end of American-style democracy.


To put it simply, she regurgitated one of the Democrats’ favorite talking points as of late. Yet, for those who pay attention, it seems even more clear that it is the left that is currently trying to subvert the will of the people.

Harris’ comments came during an appearance on the “I’ve Had It” podcast, where she lashed out at the Orange Man What Is Bad™ for being a big poopyhead.

During the conversation with hosts Jennifer Welch and Angie “Pumps” Sullivan, the vice president said she has “Totally had it. Had it over and over and over again.” 

She slammed Trump’s lack of empathy, asserting that “It’s not a sign of weakness to have empathy” and said it is “the kind of character trait of real leaders.”

The vice president told the hosts that there are “so many layers to what is at stake” and that “a lot of people have had it” with the former president.

Welch responded, saying that Trump “telegraphs how crazy he is.”

Harris replied, saying, “There’s no whisper. There is no dog whistle. It is like a gigantic bark.”

Sullivan chimed in, claiming that it is not hyperbolic “to say this genuinely could be the last democratic election we ever have,” to which Harris replied: “You’re right.”


So, let’s take a look at the record, shall we?

Democrats are currently pursuing four separate criminal cases against the former president to influence the outcome of November’s elections. The left is so brazen in its effort to leverage the justice system against its political opponent that polling reveals that a huge chunk of the public sees that their motives are political in nature. Instead of beating the former president on the campaign trail, they seek to place their thumbs on the scale by trying to convict him of something, anything.

We also shouldn’t forget the Democrats’ ill-fated effort to disqualify Trump from the ballot in multiple states using a provision in the 14th Amendment. By pretending that the former president incited a rebellion on par with the Confederates, which was what the provision was initially intended for, they sought to disallow voters from supporting him at the polls. Fortunately, the Supreme Court nixed the idea in a recent ruling.

So, if Democrats were so concerned about “democracy,” why wouldn’t they simply rely on sound campaigning practices while touting their candidate’s illustrious record during his first term? Oh, right – they can’t do this because President Joe Biden has been an unmitigated disaster as the head of state. Moreover, his age and lack of cognitive abilities have become a source of concern for voters. On second thought, there can be no question about why they are using underhanded means to win the election. It appears Harris' comments were motivated by her adherence to the Goebbels Doctrine: “Always accuse your enemy of that which you are doing.”



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