Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani on Sunday discussed how he obtained a copy of a hard drive that allegedly contained emails related to Hunter Biden’s business interests in Ukraine. He recalled several details about the matter and explained why the person who provided him with the hard drive was “really afraid.”
During an appearance on Fox News’ “Life, Liberty & Levin,” Giuliani told host Mark Levin that John Paul Mac Isaac, the computer shop owner who had Biden’s laptop told the FBI that he was “really afraid because the Bidens are very powerful around here.”
The former New York City mayor explained that Hunter Biden had left his laptop at a computer repair shop in Delaware. “He may very well have forgotten where he left it for a while because the gentleman who got it said he was drunk for the entire time that he dealt with him, and he dealt with him twice.”
Biden’s business relationship with Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, came under scrutiny when House Democrats launched an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump’s July 2019 request that Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, who is Hunter’s father.
“The gentleman, after he saw a lot of these things in the newspapers, got concerned that he had some kind of illegal property because of all these allegations that were being made back and forth about the Bidens,” Giuliani said. “So he looked at the hard drive, and when he looked at the hard drive, he was very concerned with what he saw.”
The hard drive allegedly contains emails that were published by the New York Post. It also contained sexually explicit imagery and pornography.
Giuliani stated that “some of the photographs show blatant illegal activity that anyone could be able to figure out is illegal. Some of the memos clearly talk about illegal activity and contradict what he [the shop owner] was hearing on television.”
The lawyer explained that after Isaac called the FBI, agents came and interviewed him. “He told the FBI everything I just told you. And then he said to the FBI agent … ‘I’m really afraid because the Bidens are very powerful around here.’ He said, ‘I’m really worried what they’re going to do to me.'”
The agent assured the shop owner that if he remained silent on the matter, “nothing will happen.” Giuliani noted that the shop owner made four copies of the hard drive and left two of them “with friends of his in case he was killed.”
According to Giuliani, the shop owner became angry during the impeachment because, “from what he had seen on the tape, as very, very false allegations” against the president and contacted “a group of people and sent out notes [saying] ‘I have something.'”
The shop owner also contacted former federal prosecutor Robert Costello. “Bob checked everything out, made sure that the document was authentic. He then … authenticated the hard drive with a number of different tests he performed. And then he got a copy of it from the gentleman. And then he began cataloging it. And then he brought it to my attention,” Giuliani explained.
“I just don’t know what to say, or what I’m allowed to say,” Isaac told Fox News during a recent interview. “I know that I saw, I saw stuff. And I was concerned. I was concerned that somebody might want to come looking for this stuff eventually, and I wanted it out of my shop.”
Joe Biden’s campaign has denied allegations of wrongdoing, and the former vice president previously indicated that he and his son never discussed Hunter’s overseas business interests.
While the corporate press and social media companies are trying to cover up or downplay this story, it has still made it into the national conversation. Despite their attempts to prevent the new developments from damaging the former vice president, it will continue to dog him at least until the election. With the final debate coming up this Thursday, one can be sure that the president will not let Biden get away with avoiding the issue.
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