Donald Trump Unhinged: Slams Jeff Sessions by Name on Twitter

The Trump administration is no longer a circus. It’s a political version of Arkham Asylum.

Donald Trump woke up early on July 25 and started the day on Twitter, slamming Attorney General Jeff Sessions:


Minutes later, the president called out Sessions by name:

I wrote about the Washington Post and their story about Jeff Sessions dropping two days after the president slammed Sessions during an interview with The New York Times. I wasn’t the only one to suggest Trump subordinates leaked the information to embarrass Sessions. Some people wrote off that suggestion as a “conspiracy theory, ” and now it looks as though we were right.

It is another example as well, of Trump’s views on loyalty. For Trump, it is a one-way street. Jeff Sessions was one of the first high profile Republicans to endorse Donald Trump. Sessions campaigned with Trump and was a vocal supporter the entire time.


But Trump in his demented state sees Sessions’ recusal in the Russia investigation as a betrayal after months of quietly fuming about it, and now he’s openly attacking Sessions, hoping he will quit. Hopefully, Sessions stays on and forces Trump to fire him. Sessions’ duty is to the Constitution, not Donald Trump.

What’s remarkable is we’re only six months into this mess of an administration. Six months. 

People can talk all they want about Democrats, the media and establishment Republicans. But Trump only has himself to blame for his abysmal approval ratings and his inability at this point to not have signed any significant legislation.




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