Emory University Students Afraid Of This And It Proves Millennials Are Pansies


There is always the story you wonder comes from some kind of satire based site not named The Onion. I checked this one at several sources and sure it enough, it is true.


And when I realized it was true, I felt like I wanted run in front of a freight train and end all of the pain caused by the stupidity of what I had just read. It’s pretty remarkable.

Here’s what happened:

Students protested yesterday at the Emory Administration Building following a series of overnight, apparent pro-Donald Trump for president chalkings throughout campus.

Roughly 40 students gathered shortly after 4:30 p.m. in the outdoors space between the Administration Building and Goodrich C. White Hall; many students carried signs featuring slogans such as “Stop Trump” or “Stop Hate” and an antiphonal chant addressed to University administration, led by College sophomore Jonathan Peraza, resounded “You are not listening! Come speak to us, we are in pain!” throughout the Quad. Peraza opened the door to the Administration Building and students moved forward towards the door, shouting “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.”

Oh no! The dreaded chalkings!

Let that marinate for a little while. There were protests because some people stated their support for Donald Trump with chalk on the campus. 


That the pro-Trump people used chalk should be celebrated! It’s just going to wash away! There is no lasting damage! The environment is safe!


However, the students at Emory, instead of just doing something simple such as, washing away the chalk, decided to turn it into yet another episode of SJWTV’s (Social Justice Warrior TV) “Safe Spaces” as some of these little creeps decided pro-Trump chalk messages were harmful. Look at this:

“I’m supposed to feel comfortable and safe [here],” one student said. “But this man is being supported by students on our campus and our administration shows that they, by their silence, support it as well … I don’t deserve to feel afraid at my school,” she added.

Afraid? What in the hell kind of sheltered life is this young woman living that she is afraid of chalk messages that support Donald Trump? If she was afraid for the people who support Donald Trump, that would actually make a little bit of sense.

It gets better.

“What are we feeling?” Peraza asked those assembled. Responses of “frustration” and “fear” came from around the room, but individual students soon began to offer more detailed, personal reactions to feelings of racial tension that Trump and his ideology bring to the fore.

“How can you not [disavow Trump] when Trump’s platform and his values undermine Emory’s values that I believe are diversity and inclusivity when they are obviously not [something that Trump supports]” one student said tearfully. “Banning Muslims? How is that something Emory supports?” asked yet another.


Tearfully? This person was CRYING? I find this behavior to be extremely selfish, do you know why? Because if this student wants to cry, she should do so for the poor soul in college who actually thinks supporting Donald Trump is a good thing. The pro-Trump people are the victims here. They obviously have no idea what they’re doing. They need help and this person is crying over chalk. Millennials are so selfish.


Grievances were not restricted to shortcomings of the administration. “[Faculty] are supporting this rhetoric by not ending it,” said one student, who went on to say that “people of color are struggling academically because they are so focused on trying to have a safe community and focus on these issues [related to having safe spaces on campus].”

This one is the best. You’re getting poor grades and it’s not because you’re struggling to find a safe place, kid. You’re getting poor grades because you’re spending the bulk of your time preparing for your career as a Grievance Counselor instead of hitting the books. If you’re truly at a point where somebody’s chalk scrawls about Donald Trump are preventing you from getting good grades, then the person who is paying the SIXTY THREE THOUSANDS DOLLARS a year it costs for tuition and housing should get a quick refund.

This is the kind of thing that will have Donald Trump creating “Safe Space University.”:


“I’m Donald Trump. Do you feel safe at your school? If not, I have the most beautiful and classy school you could ever attend. Its called Safe Space University and you will feel safe there. Believe me. You will. People will say you won’t but believe me. You will. You will feel safe and it will be safe because nobody knows better than me how to make a safe place. It’s only $125,000 a year. We’re totally accredited with La Cosa Nostra Finance. They’ll get you the best loan at great rates, believe me.”

Some people might be offended that I would make fun of people who are just trying to get along in this world. But you see, people like this annoy me. Emory University is considered one of the top schools in the United States. To go there is a privilege that many people in this country cannot afford even with student loans and grants. Instead of sitting around whining about Donald Trump chalk messages, get your butts to the library or your rooms and do some work.


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