Santorum Did Not Expect This

Image descriptionI’m at the Santorum event tonight in Iowa. Nate Silver at the New York Times says we should not be surprised by a Santorum win, and I would not be surprised by a Santorum win. It is very possible based on the strength of evangelicals showing up across Iowa today to organize and get to the caucuses tonight..These people really, really do not want Mitt Romney. However misguided I may think it is, because others have flamed out they are rallying to Santorum as the alternative.But Santorum didn’t see it coming. We’re in a small location overloaded with press risers. The place is small for the standards of a front runner, though I’m sure we’ll hear the word “cozy.” Heck, I might use the word cozy to describe it. Santorum’s party tonight reflects the campaign — it started off small, didn’t really expect what was coming, and tonight will be packed.I suspect the Fire Marshall is going to use “excess capacity” to describe it by 9pm. The media just overwhelms the room.And in Iowa the Hawkeye Caucii start in about 30 minutes.#alttext##alttext#



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