The Democrats, in particular Joe Biden and Barack Obama, are out to make the moral case for tax increases. They claim the Republican position is immoral.This is what happens when we debase morality in our American political culture.For perspective, when Barack Obama was a state senator in Illinois, he was the only state senator to speak in opposition to the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. He stood up and made the case that if an infant is born alive in the process of an abortion, the doctor who botched the abortion should be able to finish off the kid, even though the child had exited the womb alive.That, my friends, that is immoral.Republicans arguing that the government should let hard working Americans keep their own money is not an immoral argument to make — particularly given how ineffective and inefficient government use of that money would be compared to private enterprise and non-profits.For Barack Obama and Joe Biden to make this a case of morality is a reflection of their weak moral compass.
On Immorality
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