the Morning Briefing every morning at no charge.
1. Liberal blog Talking Points Memo denies role in Carnahan firebombing.
2. Just How Badly Has the NRSC Screwed Up? Worse Than You Think.
3. Put Georgia 8 on your radar
4. NBC/MSNBC & YouTube teamed with progressive orgs with financial ties to ACORN in 2008
5. The Leftist Tailspin
6. Michael Bennet Says He Has Nothing to Show for All His Votes
7. Charlie Crist Secretly Went to See Obama This Past Friday
8. McCollum the Sore Loser?
9. Don’t Forget the RedState Mission
1. Liberal blog Talking Points Memo denies role in Carnahan firebombing.
For those not following this story: last week a campaign office of Russ Carnahan* (D, MO-03) was firebombed by an officially unknown assailant. A suspect was arrested and subsequently quickly released. This development, coupled with the odious nature of the attack itself, led to both widespread concern and widespread condemnation among the right-side of the blogosphere (including RedState)… but, curiously, not notably among the left-side.
Given that the attack appeared to be an act of domestic terrorism, the reaction of the latter seemed incongruous. It was later discovered that the person arrested and released was Chris Powers, a former campaign staffer of Russ Carnahan’s – one with apparently a longer history with the campaign than the ‘one week’ that Carnahan has claimed – who was also a diarist (under an assumed name**) for Talking Points Memo, which is an influential blog and website among Democratic and progressive political operatives and bloggers.
Today, Talking Points Memo finally released an article on the affair, in which it reported both that Powers denied any involvement in the original attack, as well as implicitly denying any relationship between TPM and Powers beyond the latter’s ability to post diaries at TPM.
No explanation was offered as to why TPM declined to cover for almost a week the firebombing of a Democratic Congressman’s campaign office; a firebombing which featured at one point a TPM diarist as prime suspect.
No further arrests have been made in the case as of the time of this article.
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2. Just How Badly Has the NRSC Screwed Up? Worse Than You Think.
17,000 of the 24,000 absentee ballots in Alaska will probably be counted Monday. Given Joe Miller’s late surge, it may not help him. However, I am told by a number of people that given where those absentee ballots came from and his overall support in the areas, the odds remain in joe Miller’s favor.
But word is coming out of Washington that the National Republican Senatorial Committee, already in “cover their butts” mode, is intervening in Alaska to help Lisa Murkowski.
John Cornyn, Chairman of the NRSC, has been upfront that the NRSC will help incumbent Republicans being challenged. But there is a problem with Murkowski. I have confirmed through multiple sources that Lisa Murkowski has already approached the Alaska Libertarian Party. In exchange for putting her on the Libertarian ticket in November, Murkowski will hand the Libertarians a sizable chunk of her +$1 million war chest.
I am willing to bet that John Cornyn is sending Murkowski help without first getting a promise from her that she will not run third party if she loses.
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3. Put Georgia 8 on your radar
Meet Austin Scott.
He is running in a district that leans decidedly Republican, having been won by both George Bush and John McCain. But the district is held by Congressman Jim Marshall, a Democrat and my former law school professor.
If the GOP is going to take back Congress, it is going to have to take back this district. Jim Marshall is a card check sponsor and TARP supporter, among other things, but the local Republicans have gotten used to him.
Austin Scott needs a serious and immediate infusion of cash and outside group support to beat Marshall, but I believe this is the year to beat Jim Marshall. Polling of likely voters put the race even or Scott ahead of Marshall.
Still, Marshall is sitting on a million dollars and Scott needs to get competitive.
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4. NBC/MSNBC & YouTube teamed with progressive orgs with financial ties to ACORN in 2008
Well folks, looks like I could be “peeling off” a few more here. Not only do conservatives have to contend with Obama’s OFA (Organizing for America), progressive orgs like MoveOn, SEIU, et al in massive Get Out the Vote (GOTV) efforts but now I’ve discovered to my chagrin that NBC, MSNBC and YouTube are in the mix.
How did I get here? I’m not going to divulge all of my “Mrs. James Bond” tactics but it’s easier to just put it up on the screen in pictures.
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5. The Leftist Tailspin
Apparently in hopes of upping their game heading into November, the Left has decided that the best way to win is by, you know, offing the opposition.
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6. Michael Bennet Says He Has Nothing to Show for All His Votes
What an insufferable moron.
Michael Bennet is traipsing around Colorado calling Ken Buck too responsible to be sent to Washington for Buck daring to forego his taxpayer funded salary as District Attorney while campaigning for the Senate.
Bennet wants you to know that he has never missed a vote in the United States Senate, but please don’t ask him about his taxpayer funded multi-month vacations to be able to campaign. Will he give up his salary during that time? Of course not.
While Bennet wants everyone to know he has never missed a vote in the Senate and, in fact, votes for the Democrat agenda more than Harry Reid,
he probably regrets admitting he has nothing to show for those votes.
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7. Charlie Crist Secretly Went to See Obama This Past Friday
We now have confirmation from the Crist campaign. Caleb and I have been working on this story.
We have eye witnesses who saw Charlie Crist in Martha’s Vineyard this past Friday. Now Crist claims he was not visiting the President at all and was there for a private campaign event, the details of which he is refusing to release.
But our witnesses say he very clearly was, at one point, in the company of secret service agents.
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8. McCollum the Sore Loser?
This is getting disgraceful. I realize the level of acrimony is out of control in Florida, but this behavior is typical of McCollum and one of the chief reasons his opponent barely lost McCollum’s home county — ponder that point.
McCollum hired most of Charlie Crist’s 2006 campaign staff, which happened to be former Florida GOP Chairman Jim Greer’s inner circle. Yes, the indicted JIm Greer.
McCollum accepted Jim Greer’s endorsement gladly, but he never endorsed Marco Rubio after Crist dropped out of the GOP primary.
Now he says he is reserving his endorsement of Rick Scott and he is toying with the idea of endorsing the Democrat?
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9. Don’t Forget the RedState Mission
Go get your congress critter on video. Ask if he agrees with John Boehner that Barack Obama should ask for Tim Geithner and Larry Summers’ resignations.
Oh, and if you get your congressman to take a position on the Ground Zero Mosque, you just might get bonus points and maybe an extra prize!
Post your video to our Facebook page. Each person who does so will get a copy of my new book.
(one book per person, mission may end at my say, Geithner or Summers being fired, or September 15th, whichever comes first. Post your video to Facebook. Note that you’ve done so in the comments here)
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