Pat Caddell, Democrat Pollster for Jimmy Carter, widely credited with being the brain behind Carter’s nomination and election, died yesterday at the age of 68 from stroke complications, Fox News announced:
Patrick Caddell, a former Fox News contributor, reportedly died Saturday at age 68.
The political pollster died as a result of complications of a stroke, his colleague Professor Kendra Stewart told the New York Times.
Although described as a Kennedy and Martin Luther King fan, throughout his career, Caddell moved slowly towards the right, although he did remain a registered Democrat until his death. During the Clinton administration, he was not averse to calling out their corrupt machine. As a frequent Fox News contributor, we was also not reticent about pointing to flaws in the Obama Whitehouse, the (Hillary) Clinton campaign and more recently “deep state” malfeasance during the run up to the 2016 election and subsequent transition, inauguration and administration of President Donald Trump.
Caddell was an old-time Democrat, one with whom we could discuss and compromise with. Although I wasn’t often in agreement with him, he did manage to bring me around on one or two issues. His loss, coupled with the advent of the new breed of know-it-all brats recently elected, will most certainly result in a hard lurch to the left for the Democrat Party.
RIP Pat.
Mike Ford is a retired Infantry Officer who writes on Military, Foreign Affairs and occasionally dabbles in Political and Economic matters.
You can find his other Red State work here.
He is also (reluctantly) on Twitter: @MikeFor10394583
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