Kyle Kashuv's Ousting from Harvard Isn't About Decency, It's About Punishing Wrong-Think

Parkland survivor Kyle Kashuv was recently informed by Harvard that despite his being previously accepted, he’ll not be attending after it was discovered that he had sent private text messages that contained horrible things being said such as repeated use of the “n-word” and violent rhetoric about Jewish people, though it should be noted that Kashuv is Jewish himself.


I’ve read the things Kashuv wrote in those text messages, and I can tell you that they are indeed horrible and idiotic. They are also the texts of a child who thinks no one is listening.

Kashuv took to Twitter and acknowledged that the texts were wrong, apologized for them, and swore to be better in the future, though I personally feel that last part is redundant as Kashuv has proven himself to be a positive force in the world without question.

Kashuv goes on in his thread to describe the back and forth he had with Harvard administrators after their decision of revoking his admission. Kashuv described his remorse for those messages and detailed how he has indeed changed over the past two years, in no small part due to surviving a school shooting that left over a dozen of his peers dead.

Still, Harvard wouldn’t bite. Kashuv was apparently too filthy to touch, which is a horrific standard to set given the fact that everyone has said something in their past that they regret and are remorseful for. I can’t put this disgusting move by Harvard better than Ben Shapiro did with his commentary about it on the Daily Wire.


This move by Harvard is the worst move I’ve ever seen in academia — and it represents the establishment of a standard so insane that no one can possibly withstand it. All those who have never written an embarrassing thing privately, please step forward. Not so fast, SJWs.

Demanding perfection is an odd standard to take by Harvard given its penchant for accepting, but rest assured, this isn’t about what Kashuv said in his message. The message was simply the excuse needed for leftist activists to punish Kashuv for his right-leaning stances and pro-gun activism.

His fellow Parkland survivor David Hogg will be attending Harvard despite the fact that Hogg did not have the grades to enter. Hogg had a 1270 as his SAT score. The bottom 25 percent of Harvard students have an average of 1460. For all intents and purposes, Hogg shouldn’t be there. Many people have worked harder and scored higher than Hogg and were still rejected. However, Hogg is a high-profile left-wing activist and therefore is welcomed in.

I’m willing to bet that if we were to see every message that Hogg ever sent we’d also find a few that would be distasteful. He has a habit of making wild claims that AR-15 owners are hunting people and that the NRA is a terrorist organization. These kinds of outlandish tweets are the things he says in public, and lord only knows what he’s throwing around in private.


Either way, I wouldn’t care. Neither Kashuv or Hogg should be denied entry into Harvard based off of jokes the did or didn’t make, but instead they should get in through meritocracy. That’s not the standard Harvard is setting, however.

The messages Harvard just handed down to the public are:

  • They don’t care how hard you worked to get good grades, they’re not looking at your grades
  • Only certain types of activism are acceptable and may be the key to being admitted whether you deserve it or not
  • Off-color jokes and stupid private texts are forbidden
  • The sins of your past are unforgivable
  • Don’t be a high-profile conservative

Message received, Harvard. Nothing short of left-leaning perfection is accepted at your University. Enjoy your bubble.


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