RedState at Politicon: the Tomi Lahren vs. Chelsea Handler "Debate"



The vaunted meeting between these notables showed a struggle of the facts between the flaxen pundits.

While not a true debate this was set up as a “discussion” between the comedian/talk host, and the young conservative TV personality. Following an ouster with Glenn Beck’s media empire as a result of controversial opinions about abortion and conservatives, Lahren is on something of a rehab tour. Her flurry of appearances last week on Fox News programs is an indicator of where she is likely to be landing soon.


Appearing on a number of panels this weekend Lahren’s sit-down with Handler was one of the many anticipated events of the weekend, and the packed to capacity main hall served as proof. The casual format promised to be an underwhelming political exercise, and on this the ladies did not disappoint.

In kicking off the discussion Handler asked about Lahren’s core beliefs, as a way for Lahren to use as an introduction. You get the sense of the quality of this discussion when 30 seconds into a talk about values Chelsea brings up her having sex with rapper 50 Cent.

They moved on to healthcare, with the recently failed ACA fix in D.C. serving as the backdrop. Handler of course wasted little chance to scorch President Trump vehemently. In defending Obama’s signature legislation she brought up how many other countries successfully have health care. Neither woman of course had the means to invoke the name Charlie Gard, the recently deceased infant who expired at the will of the British healthcare state. Lahren next stepped on a rake after a lengthy stretch admonishing Obamacare she revealed benefitting directly from one policy.

HANDLER: “Do you have healthcare now?”

LAHREN: “Well, I’m 24 – so I’m still on my parents” plan”.


Following this was a lengthy stretch where Handler excoriated Trump on numerous character flaws, with the discourse rarely rising above the level of, “He’s the F-ing President — act like it!!!

As the conversation veered into talks of socialism Handler oddly tried to offload Venezuela entirely on Trump. She indicated how the President of 6 months had done nothing to help the country beleaguered by decades of socialism. That’s all on Trump, understand.

Also bizarrely Handler tried to suggest that nation’s economic woes were due to the U.S. refusing to buy Venezuelan oil. Lahren was incapable of retorting that we are in fact the largest importer of that country’s crude. Then in complaining further on Trump Handler suggests we do not discuss Venezuelan strife due to Trump’s Tweeting. That is The President’s fault, you see – not the media’s obsession with covering him, and ignoring that country.

Chelsea also commented that numerous other countries have successful socialism. When asked for examples from Lahren we heard Handler repeatedly bring up — Japan

As Lahren continued through the talk at an over-caffeinated pace it was evident she had prepared well, but was resorting largely to those prepared talk-points. However at times she actually availed herself well. Handler’s grasp on D.C. politics was reduced to complaints about Trump hiring generals in his cabinet, “Like a third world country.” Lahren came back with, “I’d rather have generals, than political swamp rats!”


When the name Anthony Scaramucci was mentioned the audience erupted in loud booing. Lahren quickly snapped back: “Hey, he’s a former liberal — he’s one of yours!

On the subject of trans people serving in the military Lahren exhibited her trademark willingness to equivocate on core value issues. Handler meanwhile became very agitated on the subject. “These  people need our support! They have a hard time walking out the front door every day!” And now she wants those struggling with daily life to become deployed into the high stress realm of the military front lines?

After a continuous berating of Donald Trump Lahren tried to diffuse the onslaught, stating that originally she was a Rubio backer. Handler recoiled at this thought. “Rubio?! He’s worse — he’s a non-man!” Handler is so typical of the rational emotive hysteria of the left; Trump is the worst imaginable person to serve politically, until you offer up an alternative.

By the end I required a neck massage from all the head shaking through the discussion. It all wrapped up in a fashion summing up the quality of the talk, as Lahren brought up a string of compromising details involving Hillary. Handler exclaimed, “F**k Hillary! We have to deal with THIS baboon!!


And that is what you are delivered,  when a couple of howler monkeys are brought together to discuss politics.


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