WATCH: Ilhan Omar Rips the Mask Off and Pledges Her Allegiance to Somalia in Disturbing Video

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

Rep. Ilhan Omar, an evidenced antisemite, has often suggested in various ways that anyone who supports Israel has "dual loyalty" and is somehow being paid off by Jews. Ironically, she's the one who has a real dual loyalty problem, or worse, a singular loyalty to a foreign nation. 


During a recent speech, of which clips are now going viral, Omar left nothing to the imagination. She proclaimed to the crowd that Somalis control the U.S. government and that it exists to "safeguard the interests of Somalia." She also stated that she is Somalian first and Muslim second. There was no mention of any allegiance to the United States despite her serving in its Congress.

OMAR: There are areas of friction and that led us to kill each other, but in reality, we are an organized society, brothers and sisters, people of the same blood, people who know they are Somalians first, Muslims second, who protect one another, come to each other's aid and to the aid of other Muslims too.


The U.S. would not dare support anyone against Somalia to steal our land or oceans. Sleep in comfort, knowing I am here to protect the interests of Somalia from inside the U.S. system. The woman you sent to Congress is working day and night to protect your interests. She knows your plight and that of Somalia. I am as concerned about Somalia as you guys are. Together, we will protect the interests of Somalia.


That was just the warm-up. Things get more explicit as she goes on. In an incredibly disturbing fashion, she dives into outright racist and arguably genocidal language, proclaiming that only people she deems as "ethnic" Somali have a right to live in Somalia. Could you imagine the reaction if a white congressman said that about the United States?

OMAR: Somalia is for Somalis only as over 45 percent of Somalia's population are not even ethnic Somalis. Somalia is one nation. We are all brothers and sisters. Our land can not be divided. Ethiopia and Kenya have stolen and continue to occupy the Somali region state, which belongs to Somalia. We will liberate the occupied territories stolen from Somalia...

She will? Is she part of the Somali armed forces? Does she think the United States military is going to wage a campaign on her behalf? Who is she to make those kinds of statements? 

After Omar's remarks, several representatives of Somaliland, which split off from Somalia, responded.


The entire speech is objectively insane. I've never heard anything like it from a U.S. politician. She isn't even hiding the fact that she has no loyalty to the United States at all. Instead, as a refugee now serving in Congress, she sees her role and the power she holds as centering on Somalia, a failed, third-world Muslim nation that promotes piracy and terrorism. 

If that's not worthy of expulsion from Congress, what is? Of course, Republicans will never make that move because they don't want to be called racist. Still, the mask is completely off with Omar. For all her accusations of "dual loyalty" toward those who support Israel's fight against Hamas, it is clear she is the one with gross, distorted foreign allegiances. In normal times, she would never retain her office after this speech.  


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