Crazy: A Woman Rushes to the Hospital for Kidney Stones. One Goes in, Four Come Out



Ever think you have kidney stones and then surprisingly end up expelling other human beings out of an orifice?

It happened to a woman in South Dakota.


Dannette Giltz had had kidney stones previously — she should know the feeling. So on August 10th, she was rushed to the hospital for more of that same ol’ kidney stone crampin’.

But the medical masters told her: Those aren’t stones, lady; they’re people.”

She was in labor.

She didn’t even know she was pregnant.

What’s more — she’d actually had a baby before, too.


Still, nothing had rung a bell. Just memories of the stones.

But doctors told her to expect twins.

One came out, and within 4 minutes, there was another.

She started thinking about names.

But POW! A third popped out within another 4 mins.

It was Surprisebabies on Parade.

She and her husband, Austin, named the kidney st– I mean, children…Blaze, Gypsy, and Nikki. Two chicks and a dude.

Each rugrat weighed just 4 pounds.

Lotsa 4’s in this story..

Dannette and Austin — who’ve been married for 12 years (a multiple of 4)– hadn’t planned to have any more kids.

Austin told Rapid City’s KOTA TV, “Once we left the hospital, she’s out of the hospital, I know she’s okay. I’m overwhelmed, honestly. It’s still exploding in my head.”


Dannette still can’t figure out how she was 34-weeks knocked-up without knowing. And the trio’d troop was a particular shock, given that she’d received no outside help:

“You don’t ever see triplets being conceived naturally, let alone going 34 weeks without knowing. So, everyone’s like I can’t believe it, I’m like we’re still in shock, trust me, we know what you mean like I go to the doctor’s thinking I’ll have surgery for kidney stones and end up going into labor with a c-section that night. It’s crazy.”

Yes. It is.

According to the new mommy, the family’s received a ton of support, from both friends and strangers:

“It’s amazing in a small town how many people will come together for stuff that’s not expected.”

You know what’s really unexpected? A woman having two ladies and a gentleman inside her without realizing it.

I guess sometimes you don’t know if you’re dealing with a kid or kid(ney).

A little wordplay there. That’s what I’m here 4.



See 3 more pieces from me:

In Order To Save The Planet, President Jair Bolsonaro Asks Brazilians To Hold In Every Bowel Movement For Two Days


The 10 Stages Of Genocide: A Social Media Marvel Provides A Window Into America’s Growing Mental Disorder

At Playboy, #TimesUp: The Woke Rabbit’s New Man In Charge Is A Gay Millennial

Find all my RedState work here.

And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.

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