
The Value and Necessity of Truth Continues to Be Ignored by the Left


In the early part of my life, I can remember that anyone denying the objective truth that was right in front of their faces was considered a loon. For instance, if you were a man proclaiming you were a woman, you were qualified to be a resident at a psych ward. 

Nowadays, mainstream culture will tell you that you're stunning and brave for buying into a lie like that wholesale, even applauding when you start chopping off parts of yourself and injecting yourself with chemicals to artificially look like a different sex. The denial of the truth is rewarded by people in the spotlight, corporations, and politicians. 

And then we wonder why the world has gone crazy. 

The complete denial of truth is the underpinning of a lot of what you see today from the social justice community. The idea that you can be "gender fluid" because you don't feel like the sex you were born as is a denial of truth. The idea that you're not fat and that society created an unrealistic standard of beauty is a denial of truth. The idea that all crime stems from oppression and is a denial of truth. 

The idea that censorship is ultimately good for you is a denial of truth.  

The left suffers two issues with the truth. It either doesn't understand it or, too often than not, it considers it mightily inconvenient. 

NPR's new CEO Katherine Maher seems to suffer from both problems. Here she is giving a speech about how truth is subjective. 

Anyone with a firm grasp on reality will tell you that truth isn't subjective. There isn't any such thing as "your truth." There can be "your perspective," which Maher seems not to understand here. In fact, it almost seems like she's about to get there but continues to use the term "truth" with wild inaccuracy. 

The idea of "your truth" is effectively believing what you want to believe to achieve a selfish goal. "Your truth" is, in the end, and comforting lie. The thing about lies is that they might comfort you in the short term, but over the course of time they fester and become a larger and larger problem. 

As C.S. Lewis said: "If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair."

But here's Maher also proclaiming that the First Amendment is a problem because it prohibits censorship on a level she deems necessary to stop "misinformation." 

I should note here that what the left calls "misinformation" or "disinformation" is just a leftist perspective. They would call it "their truth" if they were being honest, but even the left understands that qualifying it as a "truth" that belongs to a certain ideological group would lead people to ultimately see it as a perspective held by radicals. 

Free speech doesn't always result in the truth being said, but it does make it a lot easier for the truth to overcome the lie. If you're in the business of lying, which Maher and her ilk demonstrably are, then free speech and anything protecting it becomes the enemy. 

Only "their truth" can survive. 

But let's look at where "their truth" has gotten us. 

"Their truth" has driven our economy into the dirt, driving up gas prices, grocery and utility bills, and more. 

"Their truth" has kept our borders wide open, allowing in every sort of criminal element from many nations that we consider our enemies.

"Their truth" has caused surges in crime of all kinds. 

"Their truth" has targeted innocent Americans for punishments from law enforcement agencies while guilty Americans go free. 

"Their truth" has seen pornographic books planted in school libraries and made pariahs out of parents attempting to stop the madness. 

"Their truth" has convinced a slew of young Americans to embrace lifestyles that are proven to be dangerous and destructive.

"Their truth" has gotten us embroiled in proxy wars. 

"Their truth" has made the largest information distribution tool in the entirety of human existence a way to birth forth useful idiots out of the gullible and the ignorant. 

If we were a society that truly valued the truth, it would be a lot more healthy and organized. Crime wouldn't be as big of a problem. Our economy would still be chugging along. Fewer people would be dead. 


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